(selection 2022- 2018)
‘Corpora Tronies Cantos’ – Terry Thompson Drawings (solo exhibition), Galerie Lutz, Delft
24.03.2024 thru 21.04.2024
Tijdsbeeld/Tien jaar aanwinsten, Museum Buitenplaats, Eelde (group exhibition), 03.11.2023 t/m 04.02.2024
Tekenkabinet XI, Galerie BMB, Amsterdam (group exhibition),18.03 t/m 30.04.2023
Talking Transitions, Art Gallery O-68, Velp (group exhibition), 04.12.2022 t/m 05.02.2023
Tekenkabinet Xtra, galerie with tsjalling, Groningen (group exhibition), 17.08 t/m 21.08, 2022
Colecci’on Henk van der Reijd, Aula Magna Capuchinos, Alcala la Real, Spain
(group exhibition of drawings from the private collection of Henk van der Reijd), 01.08 t/m 31-08, 2022
Counterpoint, Terry Thompson & Drewes de Wit, galerie with tsjalling, Groningen
17.06 t/m 16.07, 2022
Tekenkabinet: Tweede Lustrum, Galerie Art Singel 100, Amsterdam (group exhibition)
01.06 t/m 31.07, 2022
‘Great in Small’, World Art Foundation, Delft, 2021
‘Great in Small’, World Art Foundation, Delft (group exhibition of artists from India and the Netherlands)
KunstRai, Amsterdam-galerie with tsjalling (sculpture)
Tekenkabinet, Amstelpark, Amsterdam (group exhibition)
Art & Antik Messe Munster, Germany-galerie with tsjalling (TerryThompson & Niels Broszat)
‘Sense of Drawings III’, Projectruimte BMB, Amsterdam
Tekenkabinet-Zomerkabinet, group exhibition
Amstelpark 13, Amsterdam
‘Un certain regard’- Aline Eras, Gijs van Noort, Robbert Pauwels, Marli Turion, Terry Thompson and Lillian Vlau
Galerie de Meerse, Hoofddorp
Terry Thompson: Mythology, Anatomy and Erotica, Bergarde Galleries,Heerjansdam
‘Alternative Realities’, Gallery 0-68, Velp
‘Is getekend’, Boterhal, Hoorn
Prisca Bertens, Margo Goethart, Arnout van der Heijden, Martin Koole,
Terry Thompson, Philine van der Vegte, Johannah de Vries
SCOPE Art Basel- Gallery 0-68
Jose Heerkens, Wieteke Heldens, Terry Thompson, Coen Vernooij
Tekenkabinet, Amstelpark, Amsterdam (group exhibition)
Tekenkabinet-110 tekenkunstenaars, Amstelpark 13, Amsterdam
1e Lustrumtentoonstelling Tekenkabinet, Museum Waterland, Purmerend
RC Art Fair North Sea Jazz Festival, Rotterdam – Art Gallery O-68, Maureen Bachaus,
Terry Thompson, Casper Verborg and Coen Vernooij
Hanneke Francken/Terry Thompson – Works on Paper, Galerie Lutz, Delft
Van Plint tot Plafond, Galerie Lutz, Delft: ‘a combination of modern and contemporary artists’
E’preuve d’Artiste, Galerie Lutz, Delft
Hans Andringa, Caren van Herwaarden, Kim Hospers, Arno Kramer, Terry Thompson
DRAWING FRONT, Nieuw Dakota &Tekenkabinet, Amsterdam
“Tomodachi, Friends, Vrienden”, WTC Art Gallery, Rotterdam (with Arie de Groot,
Yumiko Yoneda and Ronald Halier)
de Vishal, Haarlem, Afscheidstentoonstelling Willemijn Faber (group exhibition)
galerie with tsjalling, Groningen, Sign Language, Terry Thompson and Allie van Altena
Kunstuitleen Vianen, 30+ Party, (group exhibition of 30 artists on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the kunstuitleen)
Galerie Oranjerie, Amsterdam, REMAIN(S), (solo exhibition)
Witteveen Visual Art Centre, Amsterdam, opening 12 September, Tekening Festival #2, : Ron Amir, Karin Arink, Irina Birger, Robbie Cornelissen, Frans Franciscus, Inge Kolff, Anita Groener, Lenneke van der Goot, Rosemin Hendiks, Caren Herwaarden, Tjibbe Hooghiemstra, Arno Kramer, Paul Klemann, Jelle Kampen, Kars Persoon, Gebroeders Miedema, Romy Muijrers, Paul Nassenstein, Stijn Petters, Roland Sohier, Nicole Schulze, Monique Temmen, Terry Thompson, Hans de Wit
Stichting Archaeopteryx Lithographica, Realisme Beurs, Amsterdam
Pulchri, den Haag, Pulchri Grafiek 14, groups exhibition
Galerie Lutz, Delft, ’1969-2014 – 45 jaar galerie’, groups exhibition
Galerie de Meerse, Hoofddorp, ‘Written on the Body’, Pieter Kusters, Daphne Riedijk, Nicole Schultz, Terry Thompson (curated by Terry Thompson after a book by Jeanette Winterson)
Galerie Lutz, Delft-Lilian Eliens, Terry Thompson, Frans van Tartwijk – paintings and work on paper
Stadhuis Gorinchem-Works in Mixed Media on Paper and Canvas
Arie de Groot, Caren van Herwaarden, Nour-Eddine Jarram, Rene Korten and Terry Thompson
galerie with tsjalling, Groningen (with Henrike Scholten)
3e Fries Mini-Prent Biennale, group exhibition
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam-Drawing Exhibition (artists from the gallery)
‘Space/Body’, Galerie Clement, Amsterdam (with Toon Berghahn)
‘Make a Move’, Grafiek Amsterdam-Stichting Archaeopteryx Year Print
Tab@Clement, Galerie Clement, Amsterdam (group exhibition)
Galerie Smarius/Sterk, Gorredijk (with Christian Kuitwaard)
KunstRai, Galerie Clement, Amsterdam, group exhibition
ZomerExpo 2012, Gemeente Museum Den Haag
“Fase 2″, Art Collection Hans Timmer, Stadthuis
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam (with Frans Horbach)
Prints-Terry Thompson, Steendrukkerij Aad Hekker, Amsterdam
“Anoniem Gekozen” – ZomerExpo 2011, Gemeente Museum Den Haag
“All About Drawing”, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam (curated by Arno Kramer and Diana Wind)
Het Oude Raadhuis, Hoofddorp (with Tjibbe Hooghiemstra)
Galerie Smarius, Sonnega, group exhibition
Gemeentehuis Emmeloord (solo exhibition)
Galerie Clement, Art Amsterdam
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam (with Sandra Kruisbrink)
Kunstroute Zijpe (paintings and sculptures)
“Nieuwe Uitleenschatten” CBK Groningen / SBK Amsterdam, Der Aa – Kerk Groningen
Book presentation “To the Hand” – Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
Galerie Smarius, Sonnega (with Jissel Kerkstra and Anke Roder)
‘L’air, la mer et la terre – Kunstlijn, Haarlem (curator Marjan Jaspers)
‘In het Teken van Poëzie’ (groups exhibition curated by Terry Thompson), Het Oude Raadhuis, Hoofddorp
solo exhibition – drawings and sculpture, Kunstuitleen Gouda
solo exhibition – Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
Sculpturenpark III, Rees am Rhein, Germany
Zomertentoonstelling, Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
Klein Grafiek van Grafiek Nu, Voerman Museum, Hattem, the Netherlands
Galerie de Meerse, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
Sculpture exhibition, Oude Raadhuis, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands
Klein Grafiek van Grafiek Nu, Museum De Buitenplaats, Eelde, the Netherlands
Hedendaagse Kerststallen en meer…, Gorcums Museum, Gorinchem, the Netherlands
Pfriem Gallery, SCAD, Lacoste, France
“Natuur en Sculptuur” XXXV, Kunstzaal “De Hoge Hees”, Eersel, the Netherlands
Kunstruimte Marcel Smarius, Sonnega, the Netherlands
‘Drawing Works’, R.C. de Ruimte, IJmuiden, the Netherlands
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
KunstRai, Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
“Groei”, Kunst/Poezie Manifestation, Purmerend, the Netherlands
“Zie de Mens”, Galerie Joke van Lieshout, Gorinchem, the Netherlands
Grafiek Nu 10, Singer Museum, Laren, the Netherlands
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
“Artists to Artists”, Sharpe Art Foundation, Ace Gallery, New York, N.Y.
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
Foundation Int Heyderadey, Tongerlohuys, Roosendaal, the Netherlands
13th Anniversary Gallery Artists Exhibition, Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia
Akus Gallery, University of Eastern Connecticut, Willimantic, Conn.
KunstRai, Galerie Clement, Amsterdam
Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia